The Journey
We’ve got you covered
No one jewel can
fit every occasion
Every jewel has to tell the right story, at the right time, for the right person. At Jenny Bay, we’re committed to telling your story no matter where you are in life. And just like your life story, our offerings are multifaceted. Come into our studio to view our designer collection or design your very own piece. Whether you’re after an engagement ring, wedding rings or just a I’m-so-sorry-I-forgot-our-anniversary gift, we’ve got you covered.
The Design Process
Handcrafting the world’s best diamonds starts with knowing where they come from. We proudly trace 100% of our rough diamonds to known mines and sources.

Come in for a private consultation. You bring your ideas and we’ll bring tea, coffee and a wealth of knowledge.

Diamond Research
Sit back and relax. We’ll find you your perfect diamond.

Hand Sketch
During your consultation we’ll work together to produce a rough hand sketch of your design.

Digital Sketch
In the following week, we’ll continue refining your design in the digital sketch.

Finished Design
After the digital sketch has been approved by you, we’ll send it off to our jeweller to be made.